Hi, we’re the Pendletons.

We’d love to share a bit about ourselves so that you might be able to determine whether or not David might be a good fit for your ministry. Here’s our lives in a few words and pictures.

A bit of backstory…

We met 18 some odd years ago in the youth group in which we now serve. We met in middle school, started dating in high school, got engaged in college and were married shortly thereafter. The Lord has blessed us with seven great years of marriage.

How we got into full time ministry…

In college, David had an opportunity through our church to help lead and facilitate one of our short term missionary sites for a summer. There we both got our first substantial glimpse of how God may have wired David; David saw that he had a passion and gifting for teaching, shepherding, leading, and a love for people.

Shortly after we got married, the same ministry that David was a part of in college needed a director. David’s first job in ministry was overseeing the college students who ran mission sites for Middle School and High School short term mission trips in the summer. That position required discipling and leading college students to go disciple and lead Middle School and High School students. We absolutely loved it.

Once on staff, different opportunities and needs kept arising. First we launched a new youth ministry at one of our extension campuses. Then David was asked to step into a pastoral role over our Middle School Ministry. And then, most recently, David was asked to oversee our High School Ministry. At some point during all of this David went to DTS to get his ThM and loved it.

So here we are, seven years later, so grateful to be used by God as he empowers us to pour into students, parents, volunteers, adults, and other staff. We’re so thankful for all that the Lord has done and we are looking forward to all that he will do in the future.

Things we enjoy…

We love the outdoors, learning, traveling and ministry.

What’s next…

We’re not quite sure what the Lord has for us next, but we are excited to fully embrace it. We recognize that David has been gifted with the ability to teach, preach, lead, and shepherd in a way that serves the local church. We are now putting ourselves out there to see what the Lord might have next by partnering with a church or ministry that has a passion for the Lord, a prioritization of the Word, and a heart for both the lost in and outside the church.